What is CoreStone™ Massage Therapy?


Every whole health massage includes an array of different modalities such as myofascial release massage, Thai massage, facial massage and coreStone massage therapy.  CoreStones are a hyped up version of hot stones that tripped on the tip of a steroid syringe.  They are new to the massage industry and are some of the best tools I have l worked with.   I first discovered these stones while at I was at a regional massage conference.  I got a 20 minute mini session and HAD to have them.  I advocate the best healing therapies for all my clients and thought these stones would be a perfect fit for the type of work I do.

For a couple of years now I have included hot stones in each one of my treatments.  I enjoy adding different layer of healing into my clients sessions and I find that the softness of these stones in particular are exquisite.  Many clients particularly are astonished at how soft the stones are and often think my hands are just “very warm”.  Unless the stones clink together, they simply don’t know when the stone begins and my hand ends.  Taken from the  core stone web site: “Made from Soapstone, CoreStones™ have a silky deep uniform pressure when applied to the skin.  There is a texture to the contact that is unlike any other hot stone.”

Unlike the typical  round and flat hot stones, the coreStones are cylinder and long…like a baton you would pass in a race.  I use the core stone as a tool.  The heat is wonderful and I am able to address many hypersensitive areas or myofascial trigger point with the stones.  Want to experience the stones for yourself?  Book a 60 or 90 minute whole heath massage today!


This is what I have done with my old round and flat hot stones…..

They look amazing in this vase with some beautiful silver dollar thingy’s my client gave me from her garden.  This I LOVE!

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • I LOVE your description of our stones and I REALLY LOVE what you have done with your old round stones!
    I know the stones are wonderful but I bet your clients love you for what you do with them. A good tool is magnified in the hands of a good therapist.

    • Kristen says:

      I am so thankful for what you have done to revolutionize stone therapy. I would be lost without my stones! My clients love them. The core stones really add a deeper caling effect to my treatments. Thanks again for being a pioneer!

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