Speaking The Same Language
Doctor Referrals: Where East Meets West
Here are some common questions you might have about building your healthcare team.
“How do I tell my doctor what we have been working on in our holistic treatments together?”
- We are always looking for simple and easy ways to work with your doctor. With your permission, we will provide your doctor/physical therapist/chiropractor with progress reports of your treatments at Relaxation Works. We are always available by phone as well if your doctor wants to talk directly to our healthcare practitioners.
“Is acupuncture covered by health insurance?”
- Currently in the state of Massachusetts acupuncture is becoming widely know for its’ pain relief effects and many private healthcare insurances are covering the cost of acupuncture. Contact your healthcare insurance company directly to find out what their policy is. If you need help with this please let us know, we will do our best to find the information for you by making the call our self.
“Does my health insurance pay for massage therapy?”
- Currently Massachusetts does not allow clients to pay a co-pay for massage therapy treatments. There are some exceptions to that and we have put together some amazing incentives to make massage therapy affordable for you. We pride ourselves for offering THE BEST Massage therapy membership program in the southeastern MA area!
- One exception: Massage after a car accident. Know your rights! Your car insurance provides you with insurance money that covers the cost of massage therapy. We do all the work for you! Learn more…
- Second exception: Massage after an accident at work (aka workers compensation). Again we do the work for you, providing you with expert therapy that will get back to work with less pain. Learn more…
“Can I receive massage and chiropractic care at the same time?”
- Yes! Check out our video chat with Dr. Margie Downes about Building Your Healthcare Team. We refer to this as layering on your health. Your body responds to different holistic treatments and often times you need to be implementing more than 1 or 2 holistic therapist to get ahead of your chronic pain or chronic stress issue.
Specific pain conditions are our specialty. Our Wellness Center is equipped with highly-trained professionals that seek knowledge on a regular basis and go above and beyond to research your specific pain condition.
“My goal is to teach by example. After 10 years of being a massage therapist that specializes in low back and neck pain, I have learned that pain is an epidemic problem and many symptoms can be managed naturally. I personally guide, teach, and mentor each massage therapist that is interested in working with this special but vast population. Our clients feel good knowing that our therapists have what it takes to get them out of pain quickly.” – Kristen Tammaro-Sparks, owner of Relaxation Works Wellness Center
“Education comes in many forms, our clients often educate us on a daily basis about what is working and what isn’t. It’s important to stay fresh in the field of health as it is constantly changing. Daily experience is only one part of the puzzle. We all vibrate at a higher level here and are expected to bring the best in alternative medicine to the table.” – Kristen Tammaro-Sparks, owner of Relaxation Wellness Center